Monday, June 12, 2006


Okay, there seem to be a few things worth discussing here, and I am not sure that I am following which are simply written musings and which are meant to be answered.
When speaking about grace we seem to be mixing up what exactly we are talking about. Grace, as described in the New Testament, seems to be the reason why God gives(i.e. it is not because we have tried really hard and so he thinks we deserve a gift, it is not because he feels obliged, etc.) It is basically because he decided to(no reason but his love for humanity). Thus, to say he gave grace, is to not give the whole story, but only a piece. One would be compelled to ask, "In which way did he give grace?", or "What gift did he deliver wrapped in grace?"

In the case of salvation, the gift is not grace, it is salvation. Grace is the reason and source for God to send himself, manifest through the Son, to to be a sacrifice for mankind.
Therefore, grace need not be attained, it always is. It is the spring from which all good gifts of God come. It is salvation, made possible because of grace that need be attained, and this, by faith. Faith in what. Faith in the death and resurrection of Christ. Faith (belief) that the price (atonement) has been taken care of, through Jesus, because of God's hand, inspired by his grace.

As for our part, perhaps we have made it too difficult (or maybe I'm about to make it too simple). We were lost in sin and did not give a rip. The Bible says we were enemies of God, He made the move to correct the sin problem(while we were enemies, thus grace). He came in the form of Jesus, paid the price for humanities sin, and called us to accept it in faith. If accepted, justification takes place(i.e. right standing with God). So it is like this.
I'm thirsty. I'm looking in all the wrong places for refreshment. Someone comes to me and says want a Coke™. I say "Maybe." The individual says, "The Coke™ is here on the table; it is cold and refreshing. If you are thirsty, go ahead and drink it"(sound familiar). The gift has been given. Everything to deal with the problem has been set up(Not be me. I was looking in all the wrong places.) However, I need to step forward and open the can to drink. Until I do, I will remain thirsty. Grace offered the can, my faith needs to drink it.
This is basically the message of
Romans, chapter 5.


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