Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Thank you for the modern day Yeshua-like story. Sounds like you've learned from the best. However, I would argue that there is a gap in your parable. The gap would be the part where the "boss" repeatedly tells the employee that s/he doesn't need to go through anyone else; that if there is a problem, it has already been taken care of, so stop trying to confuse the issue by bringing in mediators (Why is this difficult to comprehend? Because we've never heard of a boss like that). As the Letter to the Hebrews argues, Jesus is the ultimate, because He is the ultimate sacrifice, the ultimate king, and the ultimate priest (mediator) all wrapped up in one(see Hebrews 4:14-16) . Notice what this reference says about approaching the "throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Why would we need to ask any one else (be it Mother or Saint) for help when the Creator of all that exists has offered it?

Throughout the history of the Church (even the Protestant Church, which is thought by some to be "outside the fold"), there has been a tendency for followers of Jesus to refuse the honor/gift of stepping into God's presence(much like the employee of your story), but Paul explained in
Roman 8:1-4 that the only thing that was holding us back (sin) has been taken care of, and that there is "no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." If we do not want to feel guilty, ironically, the only one we should be approaching is Jesus.

Now, in reality, I know I am not debating a simple belief, but a whole Catholic lifestyle. I am arguing (it would seem) against hundreds of visions of Mary, appearing and calling people to return to he(?). But it seems to me that many of these appearances of Mary bring up a similar point to one brought up at a fantastic presentation on the Da Vinci Code I had the honor of sitting in on a few weeks ago, and that is the idea of making Jesus more like us, so he is easier to worship. Dan Brown gave Him a wife, Catholic's want to give Him an everlasting Mother, whose ear we can whisper into when we are afraid we've ticked Him off beyond what his grace-filled heart can bare. One might argue that the reason for sightings all over the world is so that Mary (and therefore her son) are more like us, and therefore easier to mimic. The big pull of
Our Lady of Guadalupe, was the fact that she looked like a native, and not white (both of which are problematic).

It comes down to this, the gospel is so far from what we can comprehend, therefore, we continue to make it more logical/difficult. But as my Rabbi says, "It's unbelievable but it's true."


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